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انجمن ها > انجمن انگليسي > صفحه اول بحث
لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 4021)
پنج شنبه 22/6/1386 - 22:10 -0 تشکر 14074
مباحثه به زبان انگليسي ( عنوان بحث : رمضان) ( زبانكده ي انجمنهاي تبيان)

  Ramadan: the 9th month of the Muslim year, when Muslims don’t eat or drink between sunrise and sunset . *

اين اولين بحث ماست . بحث در مورد ماه مبارك رمضان كه در زبان شيرين آمريكايي رمدان هجی میشه .

خوب شروع كنيم به تعاريف خودمون . هر كسي در سطح خودش . ( ياد بگيريم كه به همديگر احترام بگذاريم حتي به كساني كه از خودمان پايين تر هستند )

I think Ramadan is an unusual month that you can change your personality in that.

I don’t know how explain to you my felling.

I have loved this month since I was a little boy till now maybe for ever and I can not tell you

 for your mother sake please tell me what is  your feeling and let me know about your own idea about this divine month 

God willing this months be a glorious month for you

Thank you so much


* oxford advanced learner's dictionary

چهارشنبه 28/6/1386 - 6:24 - 0 تشکر 14265

hello i'm hamid zoro

i want to make a greate change in my life(really)

i think not drinking and eating arent only things we shouldent do these are very unvaluable 

things like ling and  crime(gonah) and so on..

i thank you because these topic 

يکشنبه 8/7/1386 - 9:51 - 0 تشکر 14687

hi. بابا ما فارسیشم زورکی حرف میزنیم انوقت شما بحث انگلیسی می زاری؟                                   یا علی

  • من کوير تشنه کامم
  • مهلتم ده تا بيايم
  • جرعه يي ده تا بنوشم
  • آري آري من کويرم
  • اي خداي مهربانم
  • مهلتي ده تا بجوشم
  • از دل همچون کويرم
  • يکشنبه 8/7/1386 - 9:51 - 0 تشکر 14688

    hi. بابا ما فارسیشم زورکی حرف میزنیم انوقت شما بحث انگلیسی می زاری؟                                   یا علی

  • من کوير تشنه کامم
  • مهلتم ده تا بيايم
  • جرعه يي ده تا بنوشم
  • آري آري من کويرم
  • اي خداي مهربانم
  • مهلتي ده تا بجوشم
  • از دل همچون کويرم
  • پنج شنبه 12/7/1386 - 6:55 - 0 تشکر 14874

    hello my freand
    i dont speak english very vell!!!
    but i want to speak with you
    welcome my freand

    روزی تو خواهی آمد از کوچه های باران
    تا از دلم بشوئی غمهای روزگاران...
    پنج شنبه 12/7/1386 - 23:6 - 0 تشکر 14939

    thank you so much guys if you want i can speak with all  in this site but i think all are not able to speak english and they are so ordinery and i cant stant them but you marjan and zoro you are up than  the other and its your turn to show the other that you are more than them please continue this topic till to have a  noledgable group in our froum .
    thank you so much  my professor in here are mr.darab and miss gooya both of them are so  professional in this major but i dont know where are they ?
    thnk you
    have fun
    good time

    جمعه 13/7/1386 - 18:6 - 0 تشکر 14992

    thank you so much  my professor in here are mr.darab and miss gooya both of them are so  professional in this major but i dont know where are they ?

    Hi Everybody
    hope you have good time and soon get familiar with the new version of the discussion forum.
    I know that it’s not a topic to argue about new forum and it belongs to somewhere else to be discussed, but anyway I want to say personally think that it doesn’t matter where we are and what kind of communication tools we have (Mobaheseh or Barsa) rather the point is how deal with others in case of learning and teaching, i feel we are supposed to help each other in order to build a useful and applicable forum for everyone.
    the more for other I am, the more capable forum we have (and of course vice versa, capable forum will be useful for me as a member, and a member may think in this way than by being useful to others one can help his/her own forum to boost)

    جمعه 13/7/1386 - 18:16 - 0 تشکر 14993

    Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, it is Mahdi speaking and I’m writing by my new pen name.

    By the way Mohsen, despite I’m not a professor at all (and I haven’t been) it’s a dream to become true.

    I have been here so far however it’s my second post, let’s keep it up!

    شنبه 10/9/1386 - 13:4 - 0 تشکر 18028

    hello boy.how are you.

    چهارشنبه 5/10/1386 - 20:59 - 0 تشکر 20767

    yes I think so

    every one wants to change his or her chractrictic

    actually to become honest there is lot of way but if you want to try it i really suggest you to do in this month due to this month is a quite holy one

    پنج شنبه 13/10/1386 - 2:3 - 0 تشکر 21857

    it sounds that you have a great self confidence  

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