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جمعه 4/5/1387 - 18:32 -0 تشکر 49203
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يکشنبه 20/11/1387 - 20:1 - 0 تشکر 88834

معاون اوباما در اوین کنفرانس بین المللی رسمی بر مواضع قبلی آمریکا در مورد ایران و روسیه تاکید کرد

معاون رییس جمهوری امریکا، جو بایدن، با اختصاص بخش های کلیدی سخنرانی خود به مسائل مرتبط به ایران، ضمن تاکید بر ادامه آمادگی برای استفاده از دیپلماسی، از متحدان کشور متبوع خود خواست «آمادگی برای استفاده از زور» را در صورت شکست دیپلما سی، مد نظر قرار دهند.

سخنان جو بایدن در کنفرانس امنیتی مونیخ آمیزه ای از علائق سنتی دموکرات ها برای توسعه آزادی های سیاسی اجتماعی در جهان، و آمادگی جمهوریخواهان برای استفاده از « تمامی امکانات» در جهت تحقق هدف های عمده سیاست خارجی آن کشور را بود. 

در بخش مربوط به ایران، جو بایدن در سخنانی که دقیقا یاد آور سخنرانی های گذشته جورج بوش رییس جمهور سابق امریکا بود، و در تلاشی تازه برای جدا نگه داشتن حساب دولت از مردم ایران اظهار داشت : « مردم ایران ملتی بزرگ اند. تمدن پارسی تمدنی بزرگ است. اما رفتار (دولت ) ایران تاکنون موجب تقویت صلح منطقه و تامین رفاه اقتصادی مردم آن کشور نبوده است: برنامه اتمی غیر مجاز آن شاهد این مدعی است. اگرچه دولت ما در حال بازبینی سیاست های در قبال ایران است ولی در عین حال این نکته روشن است که ما برای گفتگو آماده ایم.» 

MUNICH - Vice President Joe Biden held out an olive branch yesterday to Iran and Russia, and reassured European allies that the Obama administration would treat them as equals, but he emphasized that "America will ask its partners to do more as well."

In a major foreign policy address yesterday at an international security conference here, Biden told an audience of world leaders that the White House was willing to engage the government in Tehran if it heeded calls to end its nuclear-weapons program and changed its policies in the Middle East.

"This much is clear: We will be willing to talk," Biden said. But he added that Iran faces a choice: "Continue down your current course and there will be pressure and isolation; abandon the illicit nuclear program and your support for terrorism and there will be meaningful incentives."

Biden said the United States will try to act preventively in dealing with Iran, to avoid the dangers of inaction and the risk of war.

Biden also said the White House wanted a fresh start with the Kremlin, which under Vladimir Putin had seen a steady deterioration in relations with the Bush administration.

"The last few years have seen a dangerous drift in relations between Russia and members of our alliance," he said, referring to the NATO military alliance.

"The United States rejects the notion that NATO"s gain is Russia"s loss, or that Russia"s strength is NATO"s weakness."

"As President Obama has said, "It"s time to press the reset button," " he added.

In recent months, Moscow and Washington have squabbled over the Russian invasion of Georgia, proposals to expand NATO, and the global financial crisis. The Pentagon also blames Russia for pressuring the Central Asian country of Kyrgystan to close a US airbase that supplies troops in Afghanistan.

Another sore point has been the Pentagon"s plans to develop a global missile-defense shield with anchors in Poland and the Czech Republic.

The US military says it needs to base missile interceptors and a radar-tracking system in Eastern Europe to fend off a possible attack from Iran. Russia, however, has said it sees the shield as a veiled attempt to negate its nuclear forces and has threatened to target Poland and the Czech Republic in retaliation.

Russian leaders had been hoping that Obama, who was cool to the idea of a missile shield during his presidential campaign, would end the program. Biden said the project would go forward, but only if the Obama administration is satisfied that its unproven technology will work and only in consultation with Europe and Russia.

Biden is scheduled to meet privately later this weekend in Munich with Sergei Ivanov, Russia"s deputy prime minister.

While he was conciliatory in his speech, Biden also signaled that the Obama administration would take a tough line when necessary.

He said the US government would not recognize the breakaway Caucasus republics of Abkhazia or South Ossetia, which seceded after the war in Georgia and has received strong Russian support.

"We will not agree with Russia on everything," he said. "We will not recognize any nation having a sphere of influence."

Although he did not directly refer to the dispute over the military base in Kyrgystan, Biden said he hoped the United States and Russia would work more closely to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan, a goal that Russia has said it shares.

Konstantin Kosachev, head of the international relations committee in Russia"s lower Parliament house, said in an interview on the state-run Vesti-24 television that the tone of Biden"s speech was "rather encouraging."

"It was really a serious call to restart US foreign policy - including, clearly, Russian-American relations," Kosachev said.

Much of the morning session of the conference was attended by Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, but participants said he left the room before Biden"s speech. It was not clear whether Biden would meet privately with Larijani.

Biden told European leaders that the White House was in the midst of a top-to-bottom review of its policy in Afghanistan, where the war is entering its eighth year with no end in sight.

Although the vice president said the Obama administration would cooperate closely with NATO members on the strategic review, he also said that it would expect more help. The White House is expected to send 30,000 troops to Afghanistan this year, nearly doubling the size of its force there. European countries, however, have been reluctant to do more


شنبه 15/1/1388 - 13:21 - 0 تشکر 103307

Having a sister makes you happier and more optimistic, say psychologists

owing up with at least one girl in the family also makes people more able to cope with their problems, according to the study.

Daughters tie loved ones closer together and encourage them to communicate their emotions more effectively, the researchers believe.

Prof Tony Cassidy, from the University of Ulster, who carried out the study with researchers from De Montfort University in Leicester, said that having a sister helped to promote good mental health.

He said: "Sisters appear to encourage more open communication and cohesion in families. However, brothers seem to have the alternative effect. Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families."

Girls who had sisters also tended to be more independent and keen on achievement, according to the findings.

The effects were stronger among children from broken homes, suggesting that sisters might lean on each other more for support when their parents divorce.

Prof Cassidy added that the lowest scores were among boys who had only brothers.

The study questioned 571 young adults, aged between 17 and 25, about the make-up of their families and their emotional well-being.

Only children tended to score in the middle range for happiness and optimism.

Liz Wright, the co-author of the study, said: "With only children we found that they had lots of strong communication outside of the home. It appears that they have as much social support as those with siblings, but it does not come from within the family."

The findings will be presented today at the British Psychological Society annual meeting in Brighton.

"It could be that boys have a natural tendency not to talk about things," he said. "With boys together it is about a conspiracy of silence not to talk. Girls tend to break that down."

تحقیقات روانشناسی نشان می دهد, داشتن خواهر موجب شادی و خوشبینی بیشتر می شود, اما با داشتن برادر چنین حالتی رخ نمی دهد. مطابق با تحقیقات روانشناسی,همچنین بزرگ شدن حداقل با یک دختر در خانواده فرد را بیشتر قادر می سازد تا بر مشکلات خود فائق آید. پروفسور تونی کاسیدی کسی که این تحقیقات را انجام داده می گوید"داشتن خواهر باعث ارتقای سلامت روانی میشود".همچنین او اضافه می کند"خواهران موجب تقویت روابط باز و همبستگی در خانواده می شوند در حالیکه به نظر می رسد برادران نقش مخالف را دارا هستند". همچنین دخترانی که دارای خواهر هستند بیشتر مستقل و موفق هستند. پروفسور کاسیدی می گوید" پائینترین نتایج در میان پسرانی بود که فقط برادر داشتند. شاید این بدین خاطر باشد که پسران به طور ذاتی تمایل ندارند تا در مورد چیزهای مختلف با هم صحبت کنند. پسران با یکدیگر قرارداد نانوشته ای دارند تا با هم صحبت نکنند, در حالیکه دختران تمایل دارند این قرارداد را بشکنند."

روزنامه تلگراف

دوشنبه 4/3/1388 - 0:0 - 0 تشکر 115788

Netherlands to close prisons for lack of criminals

The Dutch justice ministry has announced it will close eight prisons and cut 1,200 jobs in the prison system. A decline in crime has left many cells empty.
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During the 1990s the Netherlands faced a shortage of prison cells, but a decline in crime has since led to overcapacity in the prison system. The country now has capacity for 14,000 prisoners but only 12,000 detainees.

Deputy justice minister Nebahat Albayrak announced on Tuesday that eight prisons will be closed, resulting in the loss of 1,200 jobs. Natural redundancy and other measures should prevent any forced lay-offs, the minister said.

The overcapacity is a result of the declining crime rate, which the ministry"s research department expects to continue for some time.

Belgian prisoners

Some reprieve might come from a deal with Belgium, which is facing overpopulation in its prisons. The two countries are working out an agreement to house Belgian prisoners in Dutch prisons. Some five-hundred Belgian prisoners could be transferred to the Tilburg prison by 2010.

The Netherlands would get 30 million euros in the deal, and it will allow the closing of the prisons in Rotterdam and Veenhuizen to be postponed until 2012.

هشت زندان از زندان‌های هلند بسته خواهد شد و 1200 نفر نیز به این دلیل بی‌كار خواهند شد. (پرسنل زندانهای مربوطه). در دهه 90 هلند با كمبود سلول زندان مواجه شد اما بعد از آن كاهش نرخ جرم و جنایت باعث شده است كه در حال حاضر ظرفیت زندان‌ها 14000 نفر باشد ولی در كل 12000 زندانی در زندان‌ها باشند. هلند پیش بینی كرده است كه كاهش بزهكاری تا مدتی دیگر نیز ادامه داشته باشد.


پنج شنبه 28/3/1388 - 18:59 - 0 تشکر 123736

بازیکنان ایران با بستن مچ بند سبز اثبات کردن که وابسته به سیاسی هستند .

یک اندیشه ی مبهم توسط 6 بازیکن ایران به ما نشان داد که می توان فوتبال می تواند میانجی ای برای تغییر خط و مش سیاست باشد .

علی کریمی - مسعود شجاعی- مهدی مهدوی کیا - حسین کعبی - محمد نصرتی - جواد نکونام .

ایران و کره ی جنوبی در نبرد غیر تفریحی 1-1 کردند . با این وجود این بازی در آن کیفیتی که رادیو تلویزوین ایران معمولا می گفتند نبود  .
مدعی شدن و سعی و تلاش برای اعتراض سیاسی توسط شش بازیکن ایرانی که انتخاب کرده اند با بستن مچ بند سبز ,  رنگ سبز  زنگ رهبر مخالفان میرحسین موسوی است .جنبش سبز او , با برهان های روزانه اش پیرو انتخابات ایران , خبر حاکم بر اخبار ها بود .
مهدی مهدوی کیا , علی کریمی , محمد نصرتی ، جواد نکونام ، مسعود شجاعی ، حسین کعبی سردسته ی این اتفاق  بودند .
از هر بازیکن ( منظئر این شش بازیکن ) در خواست شد تا در بیارن باند سبزشون اما سه نفر از آنها این در خواست را رد کردند و فقط نوار سفید رنگی را روی مچ بندشان بستند .
جالب این جاست که , بازیکن وسط اوساسونا , مسعود شجاعی یک زیر پیراهنی سبز  پوشیده بود و انتظار داشت و ترس داشت كه می خواست پیراهنش را در بیاورد كه  شاید برای شادی پیراهنش را در بیاورد وپاره كنند  ( منظور شادی پس از گل ) .  و همان طور كه سرنوشت می خواست ، شجاعی روی گل اول تاثیر گدار بود .

 مدیر تیم ملی ایران , منصور پور حیدری گفت : این یک کار سیاسی نیست اما بازیکنان ایرا استفاده کرده اند از یک سمبل اسلامی برای شکست کره ؛ زیرا بازیکنان احساس کردن که این کار شاید اشتباه شود با خط سیاسی , ما از آنها خواستیم تا آن موچ بند ها در بیاورند .
اظهارات استاد مورد قبول عموم ایرانیان قرار نگرفت .این حادثه روی آنها اثر احساسی داشت .
کاوه مهجوب نوسنده ی Goal.com در ایران , به ما گفت که حرکت بازیکنان هم اکنون موج هایی را در خانه ها
ایجاد کرده اند .
"دو ساعت بعد از تمام شدن بازی , عکس های بازیکن ها را در تهران برای نشان دادن اعتراض بالا نگه داشتن ."
او به ما گفت ( منظور کاوه مهجوب)
این قدرت فوتبال را مثل یک نیرو برای تغییر خط و مش سیاست نشان داد . 

ایوان ماکدونال و استفن کراوفرد .(Ewan Macdonald & Stephen Crawford )

حالا شما مقایسه کنید

Iran Players In Green Wristband Political Demonstration
A notion made by six Iran internationals has shown us that football can be a catalyst for political change...

17 Jun 2009 18:14:00
Related Links
Korea DPR (PRK)
Ali Karimi
Mehdi Mahdavikia
Hossein Kaebi
Mohammad Nosrati
Massoud Shojaie

Earlier today, Iran and South Korea battled it out in an entertaining 1-1 draw. However, the quality of the match is not what is currently buzzing around the Iranian airwaves.

An alleged attempt at political protest by six Iranian players saw them take to the pitch wearing green wristbands, green being the colour of the opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh. His "Green movement" has been dominating the news with their daily demonstrations following Iran"s presidential election.

Mehdi Mahdavi Kia, Ali Karimi, Mohamad Nosrati, Javad Nekounam, Masoud Shojaei, Hossein Kaebi were the protagonists in the incident.

Each player was asked to remove their wristbands at half-time, but three of those involved refused the request and opted only to cover their green wristband with white bandages.

Interestingly, Osasuna midfielder Shojaei also wore a green undershirt, and, as expected, was also asked to remove the garment in fear that the player might score and remove his shirt to celebrate. As fate would have it, Shojai was indeed responsible for the first goal.

Iran"s team manager, Mansour Pourheidari, said to reporters: "This was not a political move, but rather players were using an Islamic symbol to defeat Korea. Because players felt the move maybe mistaken for a political act, we asked the players to take off the wristbands. "

The gaffer"s statement was not bought many in the Iranian public, on whom the occurence had an emotional impact.

Kaveh Mahjoob, editor of Goal.com Iran, tells us that the players" actions have made waves at home already.

"Two hours after the game finished, the players" photos were already being held up by opposition demonstrators in Tehran," he told us.

"This shows the power of football as a force for political change."

Iran"s playoff hopes hang in the balance: should the result between North Korea and Saudi Arabia be favourable, the fans will take to the streets to celebrate a possible qualification place. These celebrations could collide with - or mix with - opposition protests.

Ewan Macdonald & Stephen Crawford, Goal.com


 برای امام زمان صلوات فرستادی ؟      

خدایا شکرت که هر چه دادی بهترین بود . 


دوشنبه 27/7/1388 - 23:2 - 0 تشکر 159452

Oil company sued for £160,000 over dead beauty pageant camel

The owner of a camel that was a beauty pageant contestant has demanded £160,000 in compensation from a Saudi Arabian oil company over the animal"s death, according to reports.

The three-year-old black camel was grazing in a desert pasture about 150 miles west of Ahsa when it fell into a large hole dug to store crude oil.

Now the owner, Abdullah al-Saiari, is suing the oil giant Saudi Aramco for £160,000 in compensation for his prized camel.

Mr Saiari told the Saudi Gazette: "She was part of the Camel Beauty Contest."

The court had already contacted the beauty pageant"s administrators to assess the value of the animal. A panel of camel experts set the beast"s value at SR1 million, or £160,000.


یک عرب از یک شرکت نفتی بزرگ در عربستان بخاطر کشتن شترش غرامتی 160000 دلاری درخواست کرده است!

چند روز پیش یک شتر سیاه سه ساله در هنگام چرا درون یک چاله نفت خام افتاده و کشته شد. در پی این حادثه عبدلله السفری، صاحب این شتر، خواستار مبلغی 1 میلیون ریال سعودی، معادل 160 هزار پوند، به عنوان غرامت مرگ شتر زیبایش از غول نفتی "سعود آرامکو" شده است. السفری ادعا کرده است که این شتر از شرکت کنندگان مسابقات زیبایی شترها بوده است.

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