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انگليسي (بازدید: 3257)
جمعه 9/12/1387 - 10:26 -0 تشکر 93884

سلام دوستان

جلسه شماره 46 رو به شیوه ای جدید انجام میدیم .اگر مورد رضایت بود و بازدهی بیشتر شد همین رویه رو تکمیل و ادامه میدیم .

در ادامه موضوع مورد بحث مشخص شده و چند صفحه از کتاب  Man and the earth مربوط به بحث مورد نظر برای مطالعه انتخاب شده است . شما باید با مطالعه این چند صفحه به سوالاتی که از طرف مدیر و احتمالا بقیه اعضاء پرسیده میشود ، پاسخ بدید . نا گفته نماند شما باید پاسخ رو بر اساس آنچه از متن فهمیدید بدید و کسی حق کپی و پیست دادن ندارد . همچنین سوالاتی که مطرح میشود ممکن است به طور مستقیم در متن ذکر نشده باشد پس لازم است  چند صفحه مربوط را به طور کامل فهمیده باشید . تعداد صفحات کم انتخاب شده و زمان زیادی برای مطالعه نمی برد .


نکات مهم : ابتدای جلسه خیلی سریع با پرسش مدیر برای اعلام آمادگی و ترتیب اعضا برای صحبت کردن شروع میکنیم . به این ترتیب که هر کسی که مایل به صحبت کردن بود پس از سوال مدیر با علامت اعلام آمادگی میکنه و سوالات فقط بر اساس نوبت پرسیده میشه . حداکثر زمان پاسخگویی به سوالات در ابتدای جلسه توسط مدیر اعلام میشه .

این جلسه به صورت آزمایشی این روش رو انجام میدیم . در جلسات بعدی با تکمیل قوانین و مسئولیت ها روش کار برای شما روشن تر خواهد شد .

صفحات مورد مطالعه : صفحات 1 الی 5 کتاب دراین لینک ( اینجا را کلیک کنید )


مدیر جلسه : هوای دوست

منشی جلسه : رو به آسمان

One is never too old to learn .

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 0:25 - 0 تشکر 94068

دوستان عزیز

لطفا برای شرکت در جلسات از این جلسه به بعد حتما حداکثر تا یک روز قبل از جلسه ، در تاپیک مربوط به همان جلسه ثبت نام و اعلام حضور کنید . دوستانی که اعلام حضور نکنند ، بنا رو بر این میزاریم که فرصت مطالعه و بررسی موضوع رو نداشتند و در نتیجه از شرکت در جلسه نفع چندانی نمیبرند و از حضورشان در جلسه معذوریم . به این ترتیب امیدواریم با این روند نظم بهتری به جلسات هم حاکم شود .

ثانیا دوستان توجه داشته باشید که شما فقط لازم هست یکبار متن رو سریع مطالعه کنید و در موردش فکر کنید تا رابطه بین جملات رو بفهمید و در واقع متن رو متوجه بشید تا در هنگام طرح سوال بدون مراجعه به متن بتونید پاسخ سوال رو بدید . در ضمن اگر مطالعه چند صفحه مورد نظر رو تموم کردید میتونید به منابع دیگر هم مراجعه کنید .

One is never too old to learn .

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 12:54 - 0 تشکر 94172

با سلام

ممنونم از هوای دوست گرامی به خاطر تلاش در هر چه بهتر برگزار شدن جلسات TELS، خسته نباشید.

ایده ی بسیار خوبی هست که متنی رو از قبل برای جلسات داشته باشیم و با مطالعه قبلی و افزایش اطلاعات در آن زمینه و همچنین با افزایش دایره واژگان و اصطلاحات کاربردی با آمادگی کامل جلسه ای پربارتر از پیش داشته باشیم.

پنج صفحه اول اون کتاب رو در پست های بعدی می ذارم.

به دو دلیل

یکی اینکه دوستانی که با اینترانت می یان هم بتونن استفاده کنن

و هم چنین بتونیم بحثی در مورد واژگان و اصطلاحات جدید این متن داشته باشیم.

یه نکته دیگه، مگه قرار نبود researcher گرامی جلسه صوتی رو برگزار کنند امشب، اگه اینطور باشه می تونیم روی این موضوع و متن کار کنیم تا هفته بعد.

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 12:54 - 0 تشکر 94173

The Man and the Earth

THE situation of man with reference to the material resources of the earth deserves more attention than has been given to it. Here and there students of the mineral deposits of certain countries, especially those of Great Britain, have computed the amounts of coal and iron within limited fields and estimated the probable time when those stores would be exhausted; but a general account of the tax that civilization makes on the fields it occupies and a forecast as to their endurance of the present and prospective demand on them is lacking. It is evident that such a fore-looking should be one of the first results of high culture. We may be sure those who look back upon us and our deeds from the centuries to come will remark upon the manner in which we use our heritage, and theirs, as we are now doing, in the spendthrift"s way, with no care for those to come. They will date the end of barbarism from the time when the generations began to feel that they rightfully had no more than a life estate in this sphere, with no right to squander the inheritance of their kind.

To see our position with reference to the resources of the earth it is well to begin by nothing the fact that the lower animals and primitive men as well, make no drain on its stores. They do not lessen the amount of soil or take from the minerals of the under-earth: in a small way they enrich it by their simple lives, for their forms are contributed to that store of chemically organized matter which serves the needs of those that come after them. With the first step upward, however, and ever in increasing measure as he mounts toward civilization, man becomes a spoiler. As soon as he attains the grade of a hunter he begins to disturb the balance of the life about him and in time he attains such success in the art that he exterminates the larger, and therefore the rarer, beasts. Thus when our genus homo comes into view, elephants of various species existed in considerable numbers in all the continents except Australia. Its first large accomplishment appears to have consisted in the extermination of these noble beasts in the Americas, in Europe, and in northern Asia. There is no historic record of this work, but the disappearance of the elephants can be well explained only by the supposition that they went down before the assault of vigorous men, as has been the case with many other species of large land animals.

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 12:55 - 0 تشکر 94175

So long as men remained in the estate of the hunter the damage they could do was limited to the destruction of the larger beasts and the birds, such as the moa, that could not fly. Prolific species, even of considerable size, such as the bison, if they were nimble and combative, seem to have been able to hold the field against the attacks of primitive hunters. While in this station the tribes of men are never very numerous, for their wars, famines, and sorceries prevent their increase, which, under the most favorable conditions, is never rapid among savages. As soon, however, as stone implements begin to be replaced by those of metal, man begins to draw upon the limited stores of the under-earth, and with each advance in his arts the demand becomes the greater. In the first centuries of the Iron Age the requisition was much less than a pound each year for each person. Four centuries ago it probably did not exceed, even in the most civilized countries, ten pounds per capita each year. It appears to have been at something like that rate when the English colonies were founded in North America. At the present time, in the United States, it is at the average rate of about five hundred pounds per annum for every man, woman, and child in the land, and the demand is increasing with startling rapidity. It seems eminently probable that before the end of the present century, unless checked by a great advancement of cost, it will require a ton of iron each year to meet the progressive desires of this insatiable man.

Of the other long-used metals and other earth resources the increase in consumption is, with slight exceptions, as notable as in the case of iron; within a generation, mainly because of the use of the metal in electrical work, the need of copper has augmented even more rapidly than that of iron and the gain in the requirements is going on with exceeding speed. So, too, the demand for the other base metals long in use, zinc and tin, has been in nowise lessened by the more extended use of iron and copper; they are ever finding new places in the arts and a larger demand in the markets. As regards the so-called noble metals, silver and gold, the demand from the beginning has not been distinctly related to use, but to unlimited desire. Men have always wrested all they could of them from the earth or from each other, with little reference to the profit they won in the process. There has been of late something like a halt in the production of silver, except when it comes as a by-product; because it has generally been abandoned as a standard of value; but taken together the production of these precious metals has in modern times increased about as rapidly as that of iron. It is likely, however, that they will in time become of no economic importance.

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 12:55 - 0 تشکر 94176

As regards the earth"s resources in the way of fuel--coal, oil, wood, petroleum, and peat--the history of the modern increase in demand is as evident and menacing as in the case of the metals. When the American English colonies were founded, coal had hardly begun to become into use in any country. It is doubtful if the output of the world amounted at that time to one hundred thousand tons, possibly to not more per capita of the folk in Europe than a pound, or about the same as iron at that late period in the so-called "iron age." At the present time the total production of Europe and North America amounts to an average of at least two tons per each unit of the population, and the increase goes on at a high ratio. Petroleum, practically unknown to the Occidental peoples until about half a century ago, has, with wonderful rapidity, become a necessity to all civilized and many barbaric peoples; the increase in the rate of consumption is swifter than that of any other earth product. Timber and peat, the primitive resources for light and heat, are the only earth products for which the demand has not greatly extended in modern times; it appears, indeed, to have shrunk in most civilized countries with the cheapening and diffusion of coal, due to the lessened cost of mining and of transportation.

The increase in the tax of the earth"s resources is seen also in the very great number of substances which were unknown to the ancients, or disregarded by them, but which now find a large place in our arts. A comparison of the demands of three centuries ago with those of our day is interesting. In, say, 16000, when men were very much alive to the question of what they could gain, there were only about twenty substances, other than precious stones, for which they looked the underground realm. Clays for the potter and bricklayer, whetstones and millstones, iron, copper, tin, gold, silver, lead, sand for glass, mica, coal, peat, salt, and mercury make up all the important elements of this list. At the present time, we more or less seriously depend on what is below the ground for several hundred substances or their immediate derivatives which find a place in our arts.

شنبه 10/12/1387 - 20:56 - 0 تشکر 94311


منم میام انشاءالله.ببخشید دیر خبر دادم.


خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



"مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

"جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

يکشنبه 11/12/1387 - 14:15 - 0 تشکر 94471

Session No. 46

Topic: the Man and the Earth

Participating people in alphabet order









Havaye_Doost: In the name of God

Havaye_Doost: Session No.46

Havaye_Doost: Subject: Man and the earth

Havaye_Doost: First rise your hand if you want to answer question


Raise is better instead of rise.


Who can say why?

Roo_be_Asman: L-)

Chelsea: say sth

Havaye_Doost: Is there any more?

Hesse_Gharib: Salam to all....sorry for delay

Botanist: salaam

Roo_be_Asman: hi

Havaye_Doost: Dear friends please don’t give pm to me

Chelsea: Hi

Havaye_Doost: Ok dear Roo be aseman

Hesse_Gharib: >send pm<

Havaye_Doost: You just have 2 min to answer the questions of me and others briefly

Roo_be_Asman: ok

Chelsea: OK

Havaye_Doost: What are some of students of mineral activities about Iron and Coal stores?

Researcher: >questions of mine<


Who can say why?

Roo_be_Asman: Deposits?

Havaye_Doost: You just answer

Roo_be_Asman: ok

Havaye_Doost: They spend their time to find what?

Roo_be_Asman: to find about

Roo_be_Asman: how much time we have to use our resources and when they would be exhausted

Havaye_Doost: Excellent and another

Roo_be_Asman: I remember just this

Havaye_Doost: Other friends can answer too

Havaye_Doost: What’s the second job?

Roo_be_Asman: would you please explain more?

Havaye_Doost: Except estimate the time when this material exhauted

يکشنبه 11/12/1387 - 14:16 - 0 تشکر 94472

Havaye_Doost: One important job should be done for future vision

Havaye_Doost: Ok no body knows its answer?

Researcher: "Except estimate the time when this material exhauted " what does that mean?

Havaye_Doost: >Estimating<

Roo_be_Asman: I don’t know

Havaye_Doost: >Except estimate the time that this material exhauted<


Please, tell the right sentence:

Havaye_Doost: they also compute the amount of these stores.

Havaye_Doost: right?

Roo_be_Asman: ok, that is right

Havaye_Doost: Are you ready for another question?

Roo_be_Asman: no problem

Researcher: before that

Researcher: Havaye_Doost:

Researcher: if you say it in Persian

Researcher: I may suggest something better to mean that

Havaye_Doost: ok

Researcher: over

Havaye_Doost: به جز مقدار زمان تخمين شده که اين مواد از بين برده می شوند

Havaye_Doost: over

Havaye_Doost: any problem ?

Havaye_Doost: over

Havaye_Doost: Dear Roo be aseman

Havaye_Doost: 2) What was the initial large group of beasts that they lived on the earth? What had happened with them?

Roo_be_Asman: I think

Roo_be_Asman: elephants

Botanist: L-)

Roo_be_Asman: and their numbers lessened progressively till now.

Botanist: Can I answer?

Havaye_Doost: dear Roo be aseman, over?

Roo_be_Asman: yes

Roo_be_Asman: over

Havaye_Doost: Please say over when you finish

Havaye_Doost: Dear Botanist please

Roo_be_Asman: ok, I am sorry, over

Botanist: as far as I understood, they disappeared after settling of human…despite there is no evidence

Botanist: but the fact that disappearance of elephants demonstrates that.

Botanist: Over

Havaye_Doost: Dear botanist, reply this

Havaye_Doost: 3) what could be the reason for disappearing of Elephants? Did primitive men cause it?

Botanist: Yeah, I think

Researcher: >I think so<

Botanist: In my point of view, primitive men prompted to disappear


Who can mention some other structures like "in my point of view"?

Havaye_Doost: Can you explain how this is occurred?

Botanist: yes

يکشنبه 11/12/1387 - 14:16 - 0 تشکر 94474

Botanist: although this book didn’t mention to details, but that which I understood are two reasons

Botanist: Primitive men caused directly or indirectly,

Botanist: Indirectly is much related to this topic

Botanist: I mean primitive men with over using of minerals made this terrible event

Botanist: Over

Havaye_Doost: But I can’t get answer

Botanist: Really?

Roo_be_Asman: I think there is no reason for this event

Roo_be_Asman: over

Botanist: Maybe,

Havaye_Doost: No in this book 2 reason mentioned


2 reasons have been mentioned

Havaye_Doost: over

Botanist: It was my opinion

Botanist: Over

Roo_be_Asman: can you mention them, these two reasons?

Roo_be_Asman: or other friends can also

Roo_be_Asman: over

Havaye_Doost: Who wants to say us about two reasons that the Elephants went down?

Havaye_Doost: over

Botanist: You plz elaborate on reasons, dear Hava.

Botanist: Over

Havaye_Doost: Ok

Chelsea: can I?

Havaye_Doost: Yes please

Chelsea: natural powers

Chelsea: I think

Chelsea: oh can you clear your word about WENT DOWN?

Havaye_Doost: Ok I reply that

Havaye_Doost: I think it means they missed their lives

Botanist: Go down means fall, Decrease...

Botanist: Over

Havaye_Doost: ok can you answer?

Havaye_Doost: Ok I answer that

Havaye_Doost: As this text explains about this


Pay so much attention to the "Third person singular"

Havaye_Doost: Elephants gradually started to replace their positions

Havaye_Doost: when the initial men have attacked to them

Havaye_Doost: And in this way they lead to some new lands that they hadn’t no experience about them.


Had no experience OR hadn’t any experience

Havaye_Doost: And they have been attacked by other large beast

Havaye_Doost: Like dinosaurs

Havaye_Doost: These are probable reasons for this theory

Havaye_Doost: over

Havaye_Doost: Ok let’s go in second part of session

Havaye_Doost: Who want to take his/her question about subject?

Havaye_Doost: over

يکشنبه 11/12/1387 - 14:21 - 0 تشکر 94475

Hesse_Gharib: dear friends...

Hesse_Gharib: I shall go...


You use shall when you are referring to something that you intend to do or that will happen to you in the future.

Hesse_Gharib: sleep tight

Hesse_Gharib: bye

Havaye_Doost: No body and no question?

Roo_be_Asman: who can mention some of resources?

Roo_be_Asman: over

Chelsea: Gas

Chelsea: oil

Chelsea: petroleum

Botanist: Peat

Botanist: Wood

Chelsea: water

Botanist: Coal

Chelsea: O3

Chelsea: O2

Chelsea: U

Botanist: Cu

Roo_be_Asman: zinc

Botanist: Fe or iron

Roo_be_Asman: tin

Botanist: Sn

Chelsea: Crystal

Roo_be_Asman: lead

Botanist: Gold

Chelsea: silver

Chelsea: Diamond

Chelsea: Ruby

Havaye_Doost: They are too many

Havaye_Doost: over

Botanist: Mica

Botanist: Yeah:D

Botanist: Over

Chelsea: Caocho


Caoutchouc OR Rubber

Chelsea: plastic

Chelsea: Pearl

Chelsea: soil

Roo_be_Asman: ok thank you

Roo_be_Asman: it seems that we are going to mention MANDALIOF chart


Botanist: Exactly...!

Botanist: Over

Havaye_Doost: Session is over now.

CW : Correct word

CS : Correct structure

CO : Comments

SQ : Secretary question


Those words that were incorrect in terms of spelling have been demonstrated with purple color.

You can also analyze other parts of Conversation and tell your points as well.

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