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انگليسي (بازدید: 3394)
يکشنبه 4/12/1387 - 1:4 -0 تشکر 92650
Types Of Music


*In the name of Allah*

The beneficent

  The merciful


Hi dear friends

  Thank you for coming to this topic

I"m interested in discussing diffrent types of music

Take part and share what you know ...

meanwhile, you can put some lyrics  too.


These are the major genres but they eventually branch off to other genres:

  • Metal
  • Punk
  • Rap
  • Jazz
  • Hip Hop
  • Pop
  • Hard Rock
  • Alternative
  • Experimental
  • Latin
  • Country
  • Disco
  • Funk
  • Classical
  • Blues
  • Progressive
  • Techno
  • Ska
  • Reggae
  • Black
  • Death
  • Screamo
  • Power Pop
  • Rock
  •    Pop
  • 1-Which kind of music is much familiar to you?Elaborate on it.


    2-what"s your favorite type of music? And why?


    3-finally write several sentences why  you think  music is important in life? Specially your choice.

    Have fun



    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    يکشنبه 4/12/1387 - 4:49 - 0 تشکر 92659

    Well, not gonna post anything relevant for now;...
    Be back soon ...

    Sure He Comes

    I"m interested in discussing (about) ..., -
    Am I ..., right?/ ezzni" better?

    يکشنبه 4/12/1387 - 23:54 - 0 تشکر 92891


    Thank you dear friend

    Yeah; definitely you are right, Thanks.

    But what do you mean by...>>>ezzni" better?

    I will come to participate asap...unfortunately I"m in hury for the time being...

    I"m looking forward to seeing your answer.

    The best....


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    دوشنبه 5/12/1387 - 17:21 - 0 تشکر 93044

    All I meant was, "..., isn"t it better?"; well, ... the spoken form.

    .:  Sure He Comes :.       

    To Err Is Human, ...

    Love you  all ... 

    چهارشنبه 7/12/1387 - 16:27 - 0 تشکر 93470

    Hello everybody

    Thank you dear Botanist for starting such a topic

    At first I want to start with a useful series of words that always I used to get puzzled with them because I didn’t know which one to use. But now I’m going to tackle at this problem.

    They are as follow:

    Music: a series of sounds made by instruments or voices in a way that is pleasant or exciting

    Melody: a tune

    Tune: a series of musical notes that are played or sung and are nice to listen to

    Song: a short piece of music with words that you sing

    So based on the foregoing words there is a slight different between a Pop music and a Pop song for example.

    Am I right?

    When I was searching about these words I came across with a good word that is:

    National anthem: the official song of a nation that is sung or played on public occasions

    Iran’s national anthem was played.

    سرود ملی ایران نواخته شد.

    At the next time I will come and talk about my favorite music and also song, God willing.

    پنج شنبه 8/12/1387 - 22:54 - 0 تشکر 93834

    Hi dear friends

     Dear Roo be aseman;

    Thank for mentioning such an important stuffs.

    I"d like to add something below;

    As you explained, I think Melody & Tune are identical. Song is played by person without any instruments, like bird"s song. So music is apparent...

    About Pop song and Pop music, seems makes diffrence, But when I searched, I coudn"t recognize each other!

    Rhythm: A reular pattern of sounds in music that you can show by moving or hitting your hands.

    Lyric: song-like, written to be sung.


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    پنج شنبه 8/12/1387 - 23:32 - 0 تشکر 93842


    To make the most of this topic, It"s important to make your presence!

    1-Which kind of music is much familiar to you?Elaborate on it.

     It"s better to confess that I don"t know any types of music purely!

    I rarley listened Pop, Jazz, Rap. And always classical. So classical is lovely to me and much familiar too.

    I will searche on this type, If God wills.

    2-what"s your favorite type of music? And why?

    If I wanna listen to a music, I prefer calssical musics (by Mr.Eftekhari)

    Becuase it makes me feel energetic...

    3-finally write several sentences why  you think  music is important in life? Specially your choice.

    I think music has a vital aspect, It can be used to heal the body, strengthen the mind and unlock the creative spirit!.

     But as you know, on other hand, aggressive music goes down our performance and make person more antisocial.

    Eventually in my point of veiw, Quran and Classical are the best songs so as to become calm.

    The best...


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    چهارشنبه 7/11/1388 - 19:48 - 0 تشکر 178590

    Hi everybody,

    I"d like to share some words about Music.

    Verbs with "Song":

    Sing a song

    Perform a song

    Mime a song


    "play" is used for:

    Play a track

    Play a tune

    Play a record


    use type of music+ Musician

    Rock musician or...


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    چهارشنبه 7/11/1388 - 19:56 - 0 تشکر 178591

    For instruments:

    Musical instrument

    Wind instrument

    Stringed instrument


    What about people?!

    Look at words below!

    Backing vocalist

    Concert audience

    DJ(disk jockey)

    Lead singer/guitarist/rock/rap, etc

    Session musician


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    چهارشنبه 7/11/1388 - 21:28 - 0 تشکر 178607

    Different kinds of musical instruments:

    Accordion -->

    Cello (pronunciation is different with written form!) -->

    Clarinet -->

    Double bass -->

    Drum(s) -->

    Flute -->


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

    چهارشنبه 7/11/1388 - 21:28 - 0 تشکر 178609

    Keyboards -->

    You konw!

    Organ -->

    Take a look at this LINK

    Electric/Grand piano -->

    You know!

    Saxophone -->

    Trombone -->

    Trumpet -->

    Tuba -->

    Violin -->

    You know!


    خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



    "مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

    "جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

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