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لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 2225)
چهارشنبه 16/11/1387 - 13:29 -0 تشکر 87537
تمرین خبری !

در این قسمت تمرین های خبری سایت بی بی سی رو قرار می دهیم .
امیدوارم مورد استفاده ی شما دوستان عزیز باشد .
به من خیلی کمک کرده و مطمئنا شما نیز از آن بهره ی کافی خواهید برد .
در نوشته های بعدی این تمرینات رو قرار می دهیم .
در پناه حق  

چهارشنبه 16/11/1387 - 13:39 - 0 تشکر 87538

تمرین اول 

فایل شنیداری :به صورت آنلاین از اینجا قابل شنیدن است .  

UK hit by heavy snow

Heavy overnight snow has caused widespread disruption across much of eastern England and the

Midlands. Road and rail services have been badly affected, there has been disruption to flights

and many schools have closed. Rob Broomby reports:

It was the heaviest snowfall in 18 years. Bus services in London carrying 6 million people have

been cancelled. 10 of 11 underground lines are completely or partly suspended. The capital"s

main airport Heathrow has closed both runways for a while and there are still significant delays

and cancellations, and there are no flights at all from City airport. Others are suffering long delays

and cancellations too.

Several docks to the west have become iced up. And thousands are without piped water in Wales

due to the frozen pipes. Hundreds of schools have been closed across the country and children at

least are enjoying conditions.

The British like to complain that other countries handle the snow better than they do, that the

merest sugaring of snowflakes brings normal life to a standstill amidst transport chaos. So why

does it happen? Well truly icy conditions here are rare indeed. So why make a massive investment

to combat extreme weather conditions that may not be replayed for another 18 years?

At an individual level the costs of being prepared like some Alpine countries would be high too.

The British, for instance, are not required to have winter tyres fitted to cars at the start of the

season, nor do they routinely carry snow chains. On the other hand the Brits do like to complain,

and secretly they also like being told... sorry you can"t get to work.

Rob Broomby, BBC

توضیحات در نظر بعد از این نوشته قرار داده شده است .

چهارشنبه 16/11/1387 - 13:45 - 0 تشکر 87542

if a transport service is suspended, it temporarily stops operating

places where ships can moor; wharfs, piers

لینک تصویر کلمه : اینجا

iced up
frozen, with a coating of ice on the surface

لینک تصویر کلمه : اینجا

here, the weather

tackle, deal with

the merest sugaring of snowflakes
even the thinnest covering/layer of snow

a standstill
when everything stops (here, all means of transportation)

winter tyres
tyres with a thick pattern that stops a vehicle from sliding on ice or snow (winter tyres are specially designed to be able to bend easily at sub-zero temperatures, without breaking or cracking

لینک تصویر کلمه : اینجا)

usually, repeatedly

snow chains
special chains that are fitted to a vehicle"s tyres to stop it from sliding on ice or snow

لینک تصویر کلمه : اینجا 

دوستان سوالی داشتند در خدمت هستیم !

در پناه حق  

چهارشنبه 16/11/1387 - 14:55 - 0 تشکر 87559


بسیار عالی...

ممنون محسن خسرو گرامی.

فقط یکم تند بود

منتظر بقیه خبرهاتون هستیم...

موفق باشید.


خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



"مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

"جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

چهارشنبه 21/12/1387 - 12:33 - 0 تشکر 97504

ممنون آقا محسن. من یادم گرفته بودم چه جوری فایل های صوتیش رو دانلود کنم اما انگار یادم رفته!

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