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انگليسي (بازدید: 3257)
چهارشنبه 4/10/1387 - 19:55 -0 تشکر 79241
اشتباهات متداول زبان آموزان

به نام او که آرامبخش قلبهاست




هدف از ایجاد این تاپیک، این هست که با اشتباهات متداول زبان آموزان آشنا شویم.

شما می توانید اشتباهاتی متدوالی را که می شناسید و یا اینکه با جستجو در نت آنها را بدست آورده اید، همین جا ارائه بدید.

پنج شنبه 22/6/1386 - 21:55 - 0 تشکر 14072

Why do we say "the door is open?" Isn’t "opened" the past participle of open?

The English normally use open as an adjective: the door is open.

"Opened" is used as the past tense and past participle of the verb open and is in fact used to talk about the action of opening. She opened the safe by dynamite and now the safe is open.

Note: Do not use the word open for shoelace \belt \ switch\ tap. Instead, say

Unite your shoelace,

Unfasten your belt,

Turn the switch on,

And turn the tap on.


چرا ما  مي گيم the door is open؟

آيا "opened" شكل سوم فعل open نيستش؟

در انگليسي open  به عنوان صفت استفاده مي شود . The door is open

"Opened" شكل دوم و سوم فعل open هستش و در حقيقت براي زماني استفاده ميشه كه بخواي عمل باز كردن رو بيان كني.

مثال : او باز كرد گاوصندوق را به وسيله ديناميت و اكنون گاوصندوق باز است.

توجه : كلمه ي open براي بند كفش استفاده نميشه

براي بند كفش uniteرو به كار ببريد.

براي كمر بندunfasten  رو به كار ببريد كهfasten  به معني بستن كمر بند است.

و براي سوييج ازturn on  استفاده كنيد. كه براي شير آب نيز استفاده ميشه.


كتابي با عنوان ( the most request questions student of English ask) نوشته ي محمد گلشن .

چهارشنبه 4/10/1387 - 19:57 - 0 تشکر 79242

Top 5 Mistakes English Learners Make

Effortless English, publishers of mp3 English lessons, has released a tip sheet for International students who learn English. The tip sheet identifies the top five English learning mistakes that slow the progress of most English learners. A.J. Hoge, director of the company, states, “To learn English faster, students must avoid these five common mistakes.”

When students stop making these mistakes, they change the way they learn English.

They learn faster and their speaking improves almost effortlessly.

چهارشنبه 4/10/1387 - 19:59 - 0 تشکر 79243

1. Focusing On Grammar

This is the biggest, most common, and worst mistake. Research shows that grammar study, in fact, actually hurts English speaking ability. Why? Because English grammar is simply too complex to memorize and use logically.... and real conversation is much too fast. Students don’t have enough time to think, remember hundreds or thousands of grammar rules, choose the correct one, and then use it.

The logical left-brain cannot do it. Students must learn grammar intuitively and unconsciously, like a child. Do this by hearing a lot of correct English grammar- and the brain gradually and automatically learns to use English grammar correctly.

2. Forcing Speech

Both English students and teachers try to force speech before the learner is ready. The result is that most students speak English very slowly- with no confidence and no fluency. Forcing speech is a huge mistake. Don’t force speech. Focus on listening and be patient. Speak only when ready to speak- when it happens easily and naturally. Until then, never force it.

چهارشنبه 4/10/1387 - 19:59 - 0 تشکر 79244

3. Learning Only Formal Textbook English

Unfortunately, most English students learn only the formal English found in textbooks and schools. The problem is- native speakers don’t use that kind of English in most situations. When speaking to friends, family, or co-workers, native speakers use casual English that is full of idioms, phrasal verbs, and slang. To communicate with native speakers, do not rely only on textbooks, learn casual English.

4. Trying To Be Perfect

Students and teachers often focus on mistakes. They worry about mistakes. They correct mistakes. They feel nervous about mistakes. They try to speak perfectly. No one, however, is perfect. Native speakers make mistakes all the time. Instead of focusing on the negative- focus on communication. The goal is not to speak "perfectly", the goal is to communicate ideas, information, and feelings in a clear and understandable way. Focus on communication, focus on the positive. Accuracy will automatically improve over time.

چهارشنبه 4/10/1387 - 20:0 - 0 تشکر 79246

5. Relying On English Schools

Most English learners rely totally on schools. They think the teacher and the school are responsible for their success. This is never true. The English learner is always responsible. A good teacher can help, but ultimately the student must be responsible for their own learning. They must find lessons and materials that are effective. They must listen and read every day. They must manage their emotions and remain motivated and energetic. They must be positive and optimistic. No teacher can force a student to learn. Ultimately, learning is the student’s responsibility.

While these five mistakes are very common, the good news, according to Hoge, is that they can be corrected. He states, "when students stop making these mistakes, they change the way they learn English. They learn faster and their speaking improves almost effortlessly."

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