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انگليسي (بازدید: 4111)
يکشنبه 15/8/1390 - 10:51 -0 تشکر 383958
Tip of the Day | نکته روز

Expressing Age

We use the verb "to be" to express age in English. There are two possibilities: He is eight. OR He is eight years old.

Example Sentences

Tom is twenty-two.
My brother is thirty-six years old.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

جمعه 2/10/1390 - 11:24 - 0 تشکر 405400

What are you doing tomorrow?

The present continuous is often used to express future intentions, especially principle verbs such as "go".

Example Sentences

He"s going to a concert on Friday.
She"s coming to visit next week.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 6/10/1390 - 13:42 - 0 تشکر 406984


When agreeing with a negative statement, use "neither + auxiliary in the opposite form to the original statement + subject"

Example Sentences

I don"t like country music. - Neither do I.
She didn"t have much to eat. - Neither did Andy.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 6/10/1390 - 13:42 - 0 تشکر 406985

The Verb "Like"

The verb "like" usually takes the gerund (verb+ing) in the simple form meaning "enjoy doing". The verb "like" usually takes the infinitive (to do) meaning "choose to do".

Example Sentences

He likes skiing in the winter.
Jack likes to take an earlier train to work.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 6/10/1390 - 13:43 - 0 تشکر 406986

The Verb "Remember"

With the verb "to remember" use the infinitive to express the action of remembering. Use the gerund (-ing) to express having the memory of something.

Example Sentences

I remember playing golf as a teenager.
Did you remember to turn off the lights?

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 6/10/1390 - 13:43 - 0 تشکر 406987

No = Not Any

Use "no" plus a noun to mean the same as "not any".

Example Sentences

He has no interest in coming next week.
She had no time to go to a show when she was in New York.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 6/10/1390 - 13:43 - 0 تشکر 406989

Want + Infinitive

The verb "to want" takes the infinitive when followed by a verb.

Example Sentences

What do you want to do this afternoon?
She doesn"t want to visit her parents next weekend.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

چهارشنبه 7/10/1390 - 20:34 - 0 تشکر 407665

Subject Questions

In a subject question do not use the usual inverted question form. For example: Which model did you buy? - here "which model" is the object. In the example, "which model" is the subject of the question.

Example Sentences

Which model goes the fastest?
Which house provides shelter for the homeless?

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

پنج شنبه 8/10/1390 - 19:53 - 0 تشکر 408541

To Come Into

The phrasal verb "to come into" means "to inherit".

Example Sentences

She came into a fortune when her uncle passed away.
Have you ever come into a large amount of money?

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

جمعه 9/10/1390 - 22:6 - 0 تشکر 409662


Use "who" as the relative pronoun to connect phrases about people.

Example Sentences

He"s the man who discovered the larva worm.
Jane is the woman who helped me finish the application.

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

سه شنبه 13/10/1390 - 15:44 - 0 تشکر 411694


"whose" is the possessive relative pronoun referring to "the woman" in this case.

Example Sentences

She"s the woman whose home was purchased by Karen.
Is he the man whose son won the trophy?

love is wide ocean that joins two shores

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  • اعضای انجمن در خانه شهید بهشتی
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  • اطلاعیه برندگان جشنواره انجمن‌ها
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  • نصف جهانی‌ها در مقبره علامه مجلسی
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