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لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 7728)
شنبه 2/5/1389 - 14:42 -0 تشکر 213927
سلام رفقا اینجا تبیان است اتاق گفتگو ی انگلیسی با کلام شما

سلام رفقای زبانی خودم

قصد داریم اینجا رو تبدیل کنیم به یک تاپیک راحت و صمیمی با موضوعات مختلف که از هر دری حرف بزنیم.

همه دعوتین که بیاین با هم بگپیم از هرچی از هرکجا که دلتون می خواد کاملا خودمونی و صمیمی.

با این شرایط:

first: اینکه انگلیسی حرف می زنیم. حتی غلط هیچ اشکالی نداره سعی می کنیم به هم کمک کنیم و غلطهامون رو بگیم.

secound: ترس نداریم. مسخره کردن همدیگه هم نداریم. منم که زبان خوندم خیلی خیلی اشتباه دارم یادتون باشه نخندین بهم ;)

third: اینجا همه یه جوریم. هرکی هم چیزی بلده همه مشتاقیم که یاد بگیریم. به همدیگه یاد میدیم.

fourth: اینجا با هم می خندیم نه به هم. با همیم و به هم کمک می کنیم.


پس هرکه دوستداره بگه :

ok lets go



آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

چهارشنبه 20/5/1389 - 15:15 - 0 تشکر 219999

hi everybody it seems to be a good topic if we help each other in solving our mistakes by showing them to ourselves. and i hope we don"t get upset ifcc we saw our mistakes. i"m ready to accept my mistakes. come on! thanks

حرمت نگه دار دلم! كاين اشك، خون بهاي عمر رفته من است. "حسين پناهي"

چهارشنبه 20/5/1389 - 16:13 - 0 تشکر 220040

Hi all of my dear friends

i donno why  you don participate more in this topic? i gave you a subject, but you didnt participate. ok you give yourself a good subject. & participate more please. i have one more subject. about Ramathan.

everything u want to say about it. or if you dont like, please speak about everything you want.

thanks alot my darlings 


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

چهارشنبه 20/5/1389 - 21:40 - 0 تشکر 220157

hi there

I think that is definitely great topic, Ramadan

at first I want to put forward the meaning of it from Longman dictionary:
the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which Muslims do not eat or drink anything during the day while it is light
is that right or complete?

so long

جمعه 22/5/1389 - 17:38 - 0 تشکر 220633

hi dear Towards Sky
thanks alot for your sentences & meaning of ramadan but i think its not totally right.
i don think ramdan was just a month for not eating, i think at least for muslims & for us its more than that, that"s a not complete meaning for it, ramadan is more than just a month , its very great for us.
do u agree?


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

جمعه 22/5/1389 - 19:57 - 0 تشکر 220681

hi Guess I"m not participating. I"ve always dreamt of what the heaven I"ve had in heart to do round tebyan but it (=I) could never be put into practice. I love botanist, my lord, facing_the_sky ( this I once used to match), but they don"t even know me and they"ve never had. I"ve just seen them, n felt them, n lived them on tebyan where I could never come the way I"ve died for. Little bit fantasy but ... sorry, wonder how love"s gone taboo slang in my classmates" territory. ( i don"t mean botanist was ever my classmate, i don"t know why these words strike my mind every -where, -when ) btw: thank you yassy. I can feel some love in these of yours, let me know if i"m not mistaken. ( no i don"t mean for a girl)

جمعه 22/5/1389 - 22:36 - 0 تشکر 220701

sorry just a few spelling notes; it is SECOND but not secound and EXAGGERATE but not exadurate and most often DUNNO for don"t know - spoken language. i could be wrong after all hey guys how about working out a peer2peer spell-checker or stuff, and even marking folks posts AND having guys/gals with perfect handwritings awarded by tebyan ?! ;-) i mean we do it manually. we can go with the same thing on in Farsi topics too; you know what a ludicrous mess it is across our use of dear native mother tongue in cyber- forums, we even don"t happen to realize that at times !!! so feed.me.back cheers bbs

سه شنبه 13/7/1389 - 13:33 - 0 تشکر 238481

gharibe_70 گفته است :
[quote=gharibe_70;571714;217960]hi dear shore75
thanks ;yes it was good
it was 34
i hope you will be succesfull in future too

wow .
you are genius
I don"t know what can I say
What string


غرق نعمتیم ؛ حالیمون نیست ...

الهی رضا برضائک!

سه شنبه 18/8/1389 - 4:48 - 0 تشکر 249320

Dear HaaMim
If you have questions about English learning or just wanna practice sometimes in chat-rooms, it"s better to arrange a specific time with your friends for meeting in chat-rooms. I mostly like to talk with advanced speakers (to practice my En.) but I also like to interchange my English knowledge or maybe try teaching. Although I myself have still problems & mistakes. Unfortunately we have a poor Language Education system in schools & Institutes. I"m not depended on them & I study myself by tapes, books, natives on the net ...etc. If you wanted to arrange a time for free discussion or learning, asking, anything I"ll be happy to join you. & of course in a friendly & free place(I mean without previous rules) everyone be able to arrange a time & anybody who wanted participate. Just as a try & It does no harm to try


وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ الْهُدَى

چهارشنبه 19/8/1389 - 13:34 - 0 تشکر 249706

hi to every one of my friends here
hi all
first of all im so sorry for my late response to Enchanted__Edelweiss. so sorry because i didnt see ur words before, i saw it today. & its my fault. because i didnt think my friends like this topic & after some days there is no eager for it or at least i didnt saw that. so i forgot it . but now i saw ur words & iim sorry for my delay.

now second, u know i don understand what u mean exactly, i got them somehow but not exactly. can u explain ur words or say it again & more plain?

at the end , thank u very much for ur words that came from ur heart & ur interest.
thanks alot
hope to see ur words soon
c u


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

چهارشنبه 19/8/1389 - 15:44 - 0 تشکر 249741

hello hello hello

hi hi hi every body.

i am ready to practice english

but we need some topic to speak

so choose some topic

waiting for your reply

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