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انگليسي (بازدید: 6183)
دوشنبه 15/9/1389 - 9:34 -0 تشکر 258392
Various English Texts

Hi my dear friends

I have some good texts that I thought u may like it , so I"ll put them here.

If u like them tell me to continue & if u want u can put your text here too.

Thanks alot 


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

شنبه 20/9/1389 - 16:45 - 0 تشکر 260879

I Am a Teacher 

I am a Teacher.

I was born the first moment that a question leaped from the mouth of a child. I have been many people in many places. I am Socrates exciting the youth of Athens to discover new ideas through the use of questions. I am Anne Sullivan tapping out the secrets of the universe into the outstretched hand of Helen Keller. I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen revealing truth through countless stories. I am Marva Collins fighting for every child"s right to an education. I am Mary McCleod Bethune building a great college for my people, using orange crates for desks. And I am Bel Kaufman struggling to go Up The Down Staircase. The names of those who have practiced my profession ring like a hall of fame for humanity. . . . Booker T. Washington, Buddha, Confucius, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Leo Buscaglia, Moses and Jesus. I am also those whose names and faces have long been forgotten but whose lessons and character will always be remembered in the accomplishments of their students.

I have wept for joy at the weddings of former students, laughed with glee at the birth of their children and stood with head bowed in grief and confusion by graves dug too soon for bodies far too young.

Throughout the course of a day I have been called upon to be an actor, friend, nurse and doctor, coach, finder of lost articles, money lender, taxi driver, psychologist, substitute parent, salesman, politician and a keeper of the faith.

Despite the maps, charts, formulas, verbs, stories and books, I have really had nothing to teach, for my students really have only themselves to learn, and I know it takes the whole world to tell you who you are.

I am a paradox. I speak loudest when I listen the most. My greatest gifts are in what I am willing to appreciatively receive from my students.

Material wealth is not one of my goals, but I am a full-time treasure seeker in my quest for new opportunities for my students to use their talents and in my constant search for those talents that sometimes lie buried in self-defeat.

I am the most fortunate of all who labor.

A doctor is allowed to usher life into the world in one magic moment. I am allowed to see that life is reborn each day with new questions, ideas and friendships.

An architect knows that if he builds with care, his structure may stand for centuries. A teacher knows that if he builds with love and truth, what he builds will last forever.

I am a warrior, daily doing battle against peer pressure, negativity, fear, conformity, prejudice, ignorance and apathy. But I have great allies: Intelligence, Curiosity, Parental Support, Individuality, Creativity, Faith, Love and Laughter all rush to my banner with indomitable support.

And who do I have to thank for this wonderful life I am so fortunate to experience, but you the public, the parents. For you have done me the great honor to entrust to me your greatest contribution to eternity, your children.

And so I have a past that is rich in memories. I have a present that is challenging, adventurous and fun because I am allowed to spend my days with the future.

I am a teacher ... and I thank God for it every day. 

John W. Schlatter

Source: chicken soup for the soul

شنبه 20/9/1389 - 20:31 - 0 تشکر 261049

Thanks alot dear Ru be aseman
it was a great text, & it caused i feel proudness in myself for i am a teacher.
thank u


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

شنبه 20/9/1389 - 22:5 - 0 تشکر 261064

hi my freinds
i can a few speek english but i can alot speek persian
I love English language
هم شعری از ویلیام بلیک شاعر و نویسنده انگلیسی

To Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love

All pray in their distress;

And to these virtues of delight

Return their thankfulness.

For Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love

Is God, our father dear,

And Mercy, Pity, Peace, and Love

Is Man, his child and care.

For Mercy has a human heart,

Pity a human face,

And Love, the human form divine,

And Peace, the human dress.

Then every man, of every clime

That prays in his distress,

Prays to the human form divine,

Love, Mercy, Pity, Peace. -

And all must love the human form,

In heathen, turk, or jew;

Where Mercy, Love & Pity dwell

There God is dwelling too.

نیکی و بدی که در نهاد بشر است                         شـادی و غمی که در قضا و قدراست 

با چرخ مکن حواله کاندر ره عقل                        چرخ از تو هزار بار بــــیچاره تر است

مدیر انجمن خانواده ی تبیان



يکشنبه 21/9/1389 - 18:32 - 0 تشکر 261400

rezayar007 گفته است :

[quote=rezayar007;166606;261064]hi my freinds
I can speak English a few but I can speak Persian more 
I love English language

Hello dear rezayar007. Although I"m not still one of you & my presence could just consider as a temporary guest, I welcome you. I hope you cooperate more in this association. We"ll be waiting for your materials.

سلام rezayar007 گرامی. گرچه هنوز عضوی از شما نیستم و حضورم هنوز به عنوان یک مهمان موقتی تلقی می شه، ورود شما رو به انجمن انگلیسی خوشامد می گم. امیدوارم در این انجمن بیشتر مشارکت کنید. منتظر مطالبتون خواهیم بود...


وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ الْهُدَى

يکشنبه 21/9/1389 - 20:38 - 0 تشکر 261448

Goghnoos گفته است :

Hello dear rezayar007. Although I"m not still one of you & my presence could just consider as a temporary guest, I welcome you. I hope you cooperate more in this association. We"ll be waiting for your materials.

سلام rezayar007 گرامی. گرچه هنوز عضوی از شما نیستم و حضورم هنوز به عنوان یک مهمان موقتی تلقی می شه، ورود شما رو به انجمن انگلیسی خوشامد می گم. امیدوارم در این انجمن بیشتر مشارکت کنید. منتظر مطالبتون خواهیم بود...

rezayar007 گفته است :

[quote=rezayar007;166606;261064]hi my freinds
I can speak English a few but I can speak Persian more 
I love English language

Thank you for everything

Hopefully I can put good contents


It is natural to feel disappointed

When things don’t go your way

...It’s easy to think

"?I can’t do it, so why try "

But no matter how scared you are of making mistakes

Or discouraged you may become

Never give up

Because if you don’t try and

If you don’t go after what you want in life

It won’t come to you

And you’ll be forced to accept

Things that you know could be better

Success is not measured by

Whether you win or you fail

There is always a little bit of success

Even if things don’t go your way

What’s important is that

You’ll feel better about yourself

(Amanda Pierce)

نیکی و بدی که در نهاد بشر است                         شـادی و غمی که در قضا و قدراست 

با چرخ مکن حواله کاندر ره عقل                        چرخ از تو هزار بار بــــیچاره تر است

مدیر انجمن خانواده ی تبیان



سه شنبه 23/9/1389 - 10:59 - 0 تشکر 262186

سلام دوستان عزیز
ممنون از مطالبی که میزارین
اما یه نکته، خواهشا فارسیشو نزارید و معنی نکنید. چون وقتی فارسی باشه ناخودآگاه آدم کشیده میشه به طرف فارسی بجای اینکه تلاش کنه خودش بخونه متن انگلیسی رو و بفهمتش. ممنونم ازتون. این فارسیها رو هم پاک کنین. مرسی.


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

سه شنبه 23/9/1389 - 14:9 - 0 تشکر 262295

All Depends On Your Perspective 
(Thanks To David Joyce For Sharing This With Us.)

A professor stood before her Philosophy 101 class and had some items in front of her. When the class began, wordlessly, she picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

She then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. She shook the jar lightly.

The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. She then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.  Of course, the sand filled up everything else. She then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous - yes.

The professor then produced two cans of liquid chocolate from under the table and proceeded to pour the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the
important things - - your family, your spouse, your health, your children, your friends, your favorite passions - - things that if everything
else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

"The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car." "The sand is everything else - - the small stuff."
"If you put the sand into the jar first," she continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. "Take care of the golf balls first the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One student raised her hand and inquired what the chocolate represented.

The professor smiled. "I"m glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there"s always room for chocolate!"


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

پنج شنبه 2/10/1389 - 22:27 - 0 تشکر 266221

thank you, dear soha89
I wanna read more
these are nice,informative texts
thanks again

تنت به ناز طبيبان نيازمند مباد

it is god who cures 

مدير انجمن بهداشت و سلامت

دوشنبه 6/10/1389 - 10:29 - 0 تشکر 267695

Thank you dear medman, hope you and other friends enjoy these texts. thank you for your encouragement. 

This text is nice & i think its related somehow to the previous text, i mean "our perspective". :)

Thank God 

I am thankful for the husband who snores all night, because that means he is healthy and alive at home asleep with me 

I am thankful for my teenage daughter who is complaining about doing dishes, because that means she is at home not on the street.

I am thankful for the taxes that I pay , because it means that I am employed.

I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party , because it means that I have been surrounded by friends.

I am thankful for the clothes that a fit a little too snag , because it means I have enough to eat.

I am thankful for weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard.

I am thankful for a floor that needs mopping and windows that need cleaning , because it means I have a home.

I am thankful for the parking spot I find at the farend of the parkinglot, because it means I am capable of walking and that I have been blessed with transportation  

I am thankful for the noise I have to bear from neighbors , because it means that I can hear.

I am thankful for the pile of laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear.

I am thankful for the alarm that goes off in the early morning house, because it means that I am alive.

I am thankful for being sick once in a while , because it reminds me that I am healthy most of the time

I am thankful for the becoming broke on shopping for new year , because it means I have beloved ones to buy gifts for.


آسمان آبی بودن را به من بیاموز 

دوشنبه 6/10/1389 - 10:56 - 0 تشکر 267735

careless whisper
I feel so unsure,
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.
As the music dies...
Something in your eyes,
Calls to mind a silver screen,
And all those sad goodbyes.
I’m never gonna dance again,
Guilty feet have got no rhythm.
Though it’s easy to pretend,
I know you’re not a fool.
I should have no better than to cheat a friend,
And waste the chance that I’d been given.
So I’m never gonna dance again,
The way I danced with you
Time can never mend,
The careless whispers of a good friend.
To the heart and mind,
If your answer’s kind...
There’s no comfort in the truth,
Pain is all you’ll find.
What am I without your love

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