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انجمن ها > انجمن انگليسي > صفحه اول بحث
لطفا در سایت شناسائی شوید!
انگليسي (بازدید: 2699)
شنبه 14/8/1390 - 5:59 -0 تشکر 383464
Session No.7, Future

In the name of God

Hello and good morning to you

As you know the topic is:

What is your interpretation of this sentence?

Einstein says:

"I never think of the future. It comes soon enough."


Please inform us of your presence then we can start the discussion

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 6:5 - 0 تشکر 383465

hi every body
how are you

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 6:13 - 0 تشکر 383470

hi dear Amin
I am fine, thank you

so, what is your idea about the sentence

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 6:34 - 0 تشکر 383471

So, in my opinion, Einstein wants to say that it is important to live in the present moment and not being worried about the future. I think he doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t plan for the future.
It can be said that we should set a goal and do whatever we can to reach it and not being worried about because the time is passing quickly and thinking always about what will happen just wastes the time.

As a successful entrepreneur says: "Just grab a chisel and get busy"

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 20:58 - 0 تشکر 383795

سلام رو به آسمان عزیزانگلیسی من خیلی قوی نیست پس خوشحال میشم هر وقت فرصت داشتی ایرادات متنهای ارسالی منو گوشزد کنی. با سپاسI think he wants to say the moment is much more important than the future but in the other hand you must be ready to face the possible problems in the future.So the problem is to make a balance between not being so worry about future while you must be ready to face it sooner than you expect!

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 23:7 - 0 تشکر 383858


Orang1390 گرامی

البته شما خودتون استادید، ولی چشم حتماً سعی می کنم هر جا موردی بود اشاره کنم فقط اگه اشتباهی در صحبت های من بود حتماً بگید ممنون میشم.

So, that is a great point I think.

As you told, it is of great importance to be ready to face the problems which are about to approach us so soon.


Some points:

1. I think he wants to say the moment is much more important than the future

It is better to use the word "moment" with the word "present" here:

i.e. I think he wants to say the present moment is much more important than the future

2. to make a balance between not being so worry about future while you must be ready to face it sooner than you expect!

The word "worry" is a noun, and worried is an adjective, so it should be written (being so worried about)

I think the structure used here for the words "between" and "while" is not correct

Please notice to these sentences:

Try to keep a balance between work and play.

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.

So, could you please correct the 2nd sentence based on the points mentioned above?

شنبه 14/8/1390 - 23:37 - 0 تشکر 383871

Hi everybody,
Thank you dear Roo be aseman for recommending such a great topic.
I do agree with you all. I think he actually focused on living in the present not future!
We have to set a goal to achieve whatever we want, however, it"s not really recommended to care for what will happen.

Just do your best to make most of your time and actually live life to the full!
I remember having heard of a very great wise saying by Leo Tolestoy:
He said that the present moment is the most important time! and the best and most important person is who is with you right now! and the most important deed at the moment is actually to handle him/her in the best way!

Enjoy your life by living at the MOMENT!


خدايا در برابر هر آنچه انسان ماندن را به تباهي مي کشاند مرا با نداشتن و نخواستن رويين تن کن. (علي شريعتي)



"مدير انجمن زن ريحانه ي آفرينش"

"جانشين انجمن زبان انگليسي"

دوشنبه 16/8/1390 - 19:41 - 0 تشکر 384548

از توجه و وقتی که گذاشتی سپاسگزارم.
اما فکر کنم جواب این باشه:

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, when those in the south are relatively poor

سه شنبه 17/8/1390 - 21:28 - 0 تشکر 384909

Hi everybody

How is it going?


Thank you dear Botanist for your presence and the great post

The best and most important person is who is with you right now! And the most important deed at the moment is actually to handle him/her in the best way!

It made me think a while, great sentence, thank you.

سه شنبه 17/8/1390 - 21:40 - 0 تشکر 384919

So, dear orang1390, you are right

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped when those in the south are relatively poor.

خوب، اگرچه به نظرم هر دو جمله درست هستند ولی یک تفاوت ظریف و یک نکته در مورد کاربرد while و when وجود داره:

لطفا به این جملات توجه کنید (Longman dictionary) :

When: even though something is true:

Why does she steal things when she could easily afford to buy them?

او چرا دست به دزدی اشیاء می زند در حالی که به سادگی استطاعت خرید آنها را دارد؟

While: used to emphasize the difference between two situations, activities etc:

Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor.

مدارس شمالی به شکل بهتری تجهیز خواهند شد در حالی که مدارس جنوبی (از لحاظ تجهیزات) نسبتاً ضعیف هستند.

در هر دو حالت می خواهیم دو وضعیت را مقایسه کنیم.

یک تفاوت ظریف در استفاده از ویرگول است.

یک نکته دیگر، تا آنجایی که می دانم while خیلی بیشتر از when در چنین جملاتی استفاده می شود. و البته whereas هم خیلی بیشتر از آنها مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد.

Orang1390 گرامی، حالا می توانید بر اساس نکاتی که گفته شده جمله زیر را بازنویسی نمایید؟

So the problem is to make a balance between not being so worry about future while you must be ready to face it sooner than you expect

Hope you all succeed

چهارشنبه 18/8/1390 - 15:39 - 0 تشکر 385304

سلام با تشکر دوباره از بذل توجه تان

فکر می کنم جمله صحیح این باشد :

So the problem is to make a balance  not being so worried about future, while you must be ready to face it sooner than you expect

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