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انگليسي (بازدید: 2814)
شنبه 27/11/1386 - 17:15 -0 تشکر 30304

Do you believe in horsecope???

support your idea.

(means write your reason why or why not)


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


يکشنبه 28/11/1386 - 8:11 - 0 تشکر 30377

yes, i do believe ...
personally i think there is a strong scientific basis for some of horoscopes like the Indian one...
however it is more based on some studies on Astrology and the rest is metaphysic related materials ...
i have had many experiences of horoscopes which came true, for instance once my daily horoscope was something like this:

If your routine gets disrupted today, so what? You"ll make up for lost time soon.

let me say that something
really happened by that time and its aftereffects were much better that they seemed to be in other words my horoscopes of that day came true
anyway it is related to personal point of view, we can not issue a general statement "should people or shouldn"t people believe in Horoscopy" it is to get believed (or not) accordingly to the personal experiences

how do you think?

يکشنبه 28/11/1386 - 9:0 - 0 تشکر 30382

you know sth dear friend,

i think the matter is just believing!!!

if we believe in sth even without any special reason, it is going to happen to us.

i mean the power of MIND!!

however i personaly don"t trust horesecopes.

just out of curiosity and sometimes fun i will read them but i am not one of those who is going to change the whole life by the rule of them.  


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


چهارشنبه 1/12/1386 - 6:59 - 0 تشکر 30867

for the first part of your post, i agree. if you take something seriously in your mind, this mentality can somehow affect the true life in reality

true life = زندگی روزمره و مسایل مربوط به اون

and about the last part; i did not get what you meant by:
just out of curiosity and sometimes fun i will read them but i am not one of those who is going to change the whole life by the rule of them. 

پنج شنبه 2/12/1386 - 23:32 - 0 تشکر 31217

I meant:

You know some people who will follow every day horoscope to see what"s about to happen to them? They really care what is written in them; believe them and this horoscope affects their lives totally!!!

I am not one of these people…it is more a fun to me, not a science that guides me through life!!!


باید بروم در خلوت سرخ

تا بتوانم  ترانه ی آگاهی بخوانم

و خدا است تنها پناهم

خلوت، تولد حقیقتم خواهد شد


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