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Schizophrenia Test

schizophrenia test
تست   اسکیزوفرنی
schizophrenia screening test
this test has been developed by schiz life and is meant for insight and entertainment purposes only. if you suspect you may be experiencing the symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder, please consult your local psychologist, psychiatrist, or other medical professional. this is not a diagnostic tool for schizophrenia spectrum illnesses. do not attempt a self-diagnosis or self-medication. always seek professional help first! this is not an official online test for schizophrenia, as nothing like that exists. a diagnosis can only be obtained from a professional.
test instructions:
this screening test is free and for everyone to use! this test is designed to help you understand your own level of symptoms that are commonly considered related to schizophrenia in some degree. each answer has been assigned a numerical value and after completing the quiz, you will be given a score based on the severity of your symptoms. an explanation of your score is found below the quiz. please choose your answers in relation to your current state or how you’ve felt in the past couple of months. be honest with yourself. this quiz is absolutely private. no data is collected or saved and it is completely anonymous. the test is not timed, however you may find it useful to choose your initial answer without dwelling too long on each question.

1. i find it difficult to separate reality from fantasy and delusion. this makes it hard to trust myself or others, because i’m not sure if i’m being lied to or controlled.


not at all
a little bit
all the time

2. others plot to hurt me. i am being persecuted by a secret group, government, religion, etc. they monitor me everywhere i go.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

3. i cannot control my own mind, thoughts, or actions for various reasons, including possession, mind control, or lack of willpower.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

4. i have magical, psychic, or spiritual powers that others do not. they either don’t believe me or want to stop me.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

5. because of jealousy or fear of my powers, others treat me unkindly and unfairly. for this reason, i don’t socialize much.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

6. i communicate with people, spirits, or entities beyond this world that others can’t see or hear. they gift me secret information or torment and trouble me.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

7. people disbelieve my knowledge and skill of magical powers, psychic abilities, and conspiracy plots. they think i’m ‘crazy’.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

8. my beliefs are so unique or truthful that others find them very bizarre or scary. i am the only one who knows the truth.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

9. i am alone. i have nothing in common with anyone else on the planet, including my family and friends. i am special.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

10. when i express myself, people become confused or think i’m strange. they cannot understand me and words, or are scared to do so.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

11. i procrastinate and waste lots of time. everything is pointless and there is some impending doom lurking in the near future.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

12. my short-term memory is becoming worse and worse. i can’t remember simple or big things, such as where i sat my drink or a doctor’s appointment.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

13. i find myself lost in aimless activities that have no purpose or meaning to them. i can waste many hours doing this before i realize what has happened.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

14. my emotions are not appropriate for the events that occur. for example, i cry for no reason or laugh at violence.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

15. i suspect the world is not real, like a puppet show or illusion. a sinister force is responsible for this trickery. they’ve replaced the people i care about with robots or ‘walk-ins.’

not at all
a little bit
all the time

16. i spend far too much time in anxiety about existence. i can stare at my hands in wonder and fear for hours. i can’t let it go, even though it troubles me.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

17. it occurred to me that if i answer truthfully on this schizophrenia quiz, someone might be tracking the info and use it against me.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

18. my communication skills are deteriorating. i’m losing my vocabulary, grammar, syntax, speech, and even handwriting skills. i mix words, languages, and letters together.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

19. i’m extremely anxious in social situations. i’d rather avoid them. i fear being judged, making a mistake, or offending someone.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

20. the color red makes me angry. the colors blue or green calm me. i can taste and hear things when i look at them. i can feel the colors.

not at all
a little bit
all the time

once you’ve answered all of the questions, click below to receive your score.

test score

your total score is:

now you can read below to interpret your results! but please remember, no real online test for schizophrenia. you must speak in person to a doctor before you will receive any form of diagnosis. this quiz exists simply to help you understand your own thinking and for entertainment purposes. now to the results!
test results!
if you scored a…
0-30 – you show very few symptoms of schizophrenia and are likely not at risk for the development of this illness. but please remain aware of your own internal processes as time continues. the general population has about a 1.1% risk for becoming schizophrenic according to the statistics!
31-55 – you may be experiencing low to moderate symptoms. however, some of your answers could be related to an anxiety condition or simply open-mindedness to the realm of possibilities (such as questions concerning psychic powers and conspiracies). if these believes create problems for you in your life, then you should take heed and be aware of the causes of schizophrenia. you could be at risk.
56-70 – you are experiencing schizophrenic symptoms. please consult a doctor in regards to your condition. your symptoms may progress and worsen in time. your doctor may prescribe you medication and help you set up a treatment plan. take your family or friends with you so they can learn the basics of your illness.
71-100 – you are experiencing very acute symptoms related to schizophrenia. please alert a loved one and have them schedule an appointment with a psychologist. it is important that you seek treatment immediately and gain an understanding of the type of schizophrenia you are dealing with. your doctor will explain to you and your loved ones what your prognosis and path towards recovery will be. please do not wait or hesitate.
schizophrenia test
تست   اسکیزوفرنی

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